Property companies can sell property 4 times quicker

Use our online configurator as a competitive advantage to grow your online sales. Provide seamless buying experience to the customers and investors located in different cities, countries and timezones.

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Improve each aspect of the sales process

PROPSTER is about taking action and realising opportunities in order to overcome the challenges facing the property industry.

Up to 75% less sales-related calls & meetings

Replace endless calls with your customers with 1 effective and well-prepared meeting.

Sell Online

Showcase and sell your residential and commercial projects to local buyers, tenants, or foreign investors online.

Increase off-plan sales up to 45%

Bring the sales process forward and encourage off-plan sales by giving buyers the chance to configure their property.

Earn on upselling

Generate lifetime value from your customers by offering additional services and amenities at the point of sale.

Drive online sales

Sell property off-plan instead of just registering customers' interests. Our online configurator encourages buyers, tenants, or investors to engage earlier by offering them a chance to configure the property online and learn more information about your offer at a time when it's convenient for them. Gain trust and close the deals on early stages of development.

Make data-driven decisions

Improve the sales pipeline and transform endless project-related calls into one effective in-person meeting without losing personal touch with your customers. Our platform is a perfect tool to gather and analyse the needs of your audience, and provide them with all the relevant information transparently and without .

Earn on upselling options

Offer choices and drive up to 10% of additional revenue

Choices is a perfect way to earn on upselling. Provide your customers with a one-stop-shop to get everything they need for a successfull moving in and comfortable living, and gain an effortless way to drive upselling options.

Voices for PROPSTER

The industry leaders find PROPSTER an indispensable tool to gain customer satisfaction and manage projects more efficiently.
Check their opinion and join over 60 companies that already achieved their goals with us.


We currently support more than 90 clients on over 200 projects with over 15,000 buyers, tenants or investors.

Value One
Get started with PROPSTER today!

Starting with PROPSTER is easy.

Book a demo or request your free 14-day access to the platform and see how it works for you.

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