Abwicklung von Bemusterungen und
Kürzere Arbeitsabläufe
Sonderwünsche sind zeitintensiv und damit ein wesentlicher Kostentreiber. Durch automatische Prozesse werden diese signifikant reduziert.
Transparente Kommunikation
Die Kommunikation mit Kunden und Nachunternehmern effizienter gestalten. Allen Beteiligten greifen auf die jeweils relevanten Informationen zurück.
Vollständige Dokumentation
Einen lückenlosen Austausch von Daten, Fristen, und Terminen gewährleisten. Eine vollständige objektbasierte Dokumentation steht jederzeit online zur Verfügung.
Smart product and material lists
Your individual product database contains all the materials that you would like to offer your clients for sampling during their construction projects. You can expand your database at any time with additional products and templates for product lists. Add framework contract partners to this database to ensure that all employees have access to the latest data, regardless of their location.
Smart product and material lists
Your individual product database contains all the materials that you would like to offer your clients for sampling during their construction projects. You can expand your database at any time with additional products and templates for product lists. Add framework contract partners to this database to ensure that all employees have access to the latest data, regardless of their location.
Smart product and material lists
Your individual product database contains all the materials that you would like to offer your clients for sampling during their construction projects. You can expand your database at any time with additional products and templates for product lists. Add framework contract partners to this database to ensure that all employees have access to the latest data, regardless of their location.